Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Food obsession and Illness

As those of you who read my blog know I am slowly becoming more and more obsessed with what goes into my mouth and the mouth of my family. I figured I was alone amoungst my friends in this and that I was sort of going off the deep end here. However I just came accross the blog of my friend Erin who has a similar obsession. Her blog is exceptionally written and I have really enjoyed reading it.

Her comment on her medication in particular reminded me of why I don't like vitamins. Most of the sources are derived from petroleum and they are made in China. China, the country that made baby formula that killed babies and dog food that killed dogs. I am supposed to take vitamins made out of gas which is lethal if ingested made in a country with a history of making lethal food products?! I think my hesitance is not unfounded.

So what's the big deal? Why don't I just not take the vitamins? Well for three reasons: 1. Because Tom likes to take them and he likes to insist that I take them. 2. Because my Dr. told me to take vitamin D because I am supposedly very deficient. Not that it is a huge shock, seeing as I live in Seattle where there is no sun. 3. and this is the most important one, IT'S IN EVERYTHING!! From bread to granola to milk to cheese you name it it's in there. Every food that has any sort of process, including something as simple as artisinal bread, has vitamins in it. Even buying flour to make your bread at home is down right impossible as even in the grinding of the flour they manage to somehow "enrich" it.

But I digress, as I often do, when what I really wanted to call to attention was that I find it ironic that both Erin and Myself where so distrustful of some of the food/vitamins we ingest and where it came from. I wanted to draw attention to the fact that we both have food allergies/stomach problems. I often wonder how I survived before now? How did I eat fruit loops as a kid and not get sick? How did I ingest too much Diet Coke and not get sick until now. Are we possibly bringing this upon ourselves and these food allergies/stomach problems aren't really a problem we where born with but rather something we have gotten ourselves into with all this enriching and processing? I lean toward this answer as it's the only thing that makes sense.

So basically if food that has all these "great vitamins and nutrients" added are making me sick when I eat them, but food that doesn't have all these wonderful things in it don't make me sick then I don't think that I am unfounded in my sentiments.

So here is Erin's Awesome Blog! go check it out.

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