Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cuban Sandwich + Redmond Family Pancake House FTW!

For those of you who know me, you know my obsession with Cuban sandwiches. It's not just a craving; it's an outright obsession. Ever since moving to the West coast some 12-13 years ago I have come to accept that the need will always be there in the back of my mind, nagging at me. The only thing that is worse than the craving is when I order something that is supposed to be a Cuban sandwich, and it's not! That really sucks. That last comment makes you wonder why the hell I ordered the damn thing in the first place...

This morning Tom and I decided we where gonna go to the Redmond Family Pancake House. Tom really likes their pancakes and I enjoy their food overall. I walk in and I see on the specials board that they have a Cuban sandwich. After looking the menu over I decide to order one. Now I don't know if it was that I am currently sick with a cold or that I was kind of in a weird mood cuz of work issues but I went ahead and ordered it knowing full well that the sandwich would likely not be what I wanted. Looking back I think it was probably the oddity of the situation. I mean really, in Redmond, at the FPH of all places, a Cuban sandwich? Therefore I set my expectations accordingly and expected a ham sandwich with a few pickles.

Well ladies and gentlemen, it came out and it looked nothing like a Cuban sandwich. That was expected. The first bite however made my brain do a triple take. Kind of like when you pick up an empty suitcase you thought was full, that is the sort of triple take I am talking about. It tasted EXACTLY like a Cuban sandwich. It was the flavor of my childhood right there. The ham, the pickles, the pork and all layered between the crunchy, perfectly toasted, slices of bread. All the flavors where perfect. The pork, the one thing everyone messes up, was perfect. It was not dry or spice rubbed or any of that nonsense. It was actually well made pork. As far as the bread goes, they must have put like a stick of butter on that bread cuz I didn't miss the Cuban bread at all. You got all the crunch you are used to from the Cuban bread.. It was so damned good I didn't even eat my fries... I just ate the sandwich and that was it. After the fulfillment of a craving such as this, there is no need for anything else.

So there you have it, an authentic tasting Cuban sandwich at Redmond Family Pancake House. I think Hell might have just frozen over.


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